A half-assed go at #30DayMapChallenge

# Day 1: Points

Every bus in Britain active at 2:44pm on 1 November 2022. Coloured by bearing with magenta=N, yellow=E, green=S, cyan=W (colorcet C7).

Clicky scrolly version here: rdrn.me/bods
#30DayMapChallenge Day 1: Points pic.twitter.com/2PpqReHeOp

— Chris Arderne (@chrisarderne) November 1, 2022

# Day 2: Lines

Most bus lines in England & Wales, coloured + sized by number of trips. Data from @busopendata is missing TfL and others - I haven't yet been bothered to integrate them.

Singing and dancing version: rdrn.me/bods
#30DayMapChallenge Day 2: Lines pic.twitter.com/md417uHvAB

— Chris Arderne (@chrisarderne) November 2, 2022

# Day 3: Polygons

Everything upstream and downstream of Juba, South Sudan. Data from HydroSHEDS, networked up with @neo4j, served with @flydotio

Interactive: water.rdrn.me
#30DayMapChallenge Day 3: Polygons pic.twitter.com/eK1RCVq05T

— Chris Arderne (@chrisarderne) November 3, 2022

# Day 4: Green

Every traffic light in the UK, gently flicking between red, amber and GREEN!

See it all here: rdrn.me/lights
#30DayMapChallenge Day 4: Green
Data: @openstreetmap
Cartography: @Mapbox pic.twitter.com/jLrGgmYOQy

— Chris Arderne (@chrisarderne) November 4, 2022

# Day 6: Networks

#30DayMapChallenge Day 6: Networks

Using night-time lights imagery to guess the location of all medium-voltage grid lines in the world. (Almost three years old!)

Visualise, download, read: gridfinder.org

— Chris Arderne (@chrisarderne) November 6, 2022

# Day 7: Raster

30 years of water at Theewaterskloof, outside Cape Town. Made with @oxfordeo and @LucasKruitwagen. Combines Landsat 5, 7, 8 with Sentinel 2. Hang in for the nearly dry scenes in 2017/2018 😲 and the subsequent recovery 🌊#30DayMapChallenge Day 7: Raster pic.twitter.com/lAUoWwoNgx

— Chris Arderne (@chrisarderne) November 7, 2022

# Day 8: OpenStreetMap

Bollards in England and Wales, from 2008 to 2002. From #OpenStreetMap, made with love for @WorldBollard. (The date is when the data was created in OSM, not necessarily when the #bollard came to lift.)#30DayMapChallenge Day 8: OpenStreetMap pic.twitter.com/zh6E2DHr81

— Chris Arderne (@chrisarderne) November 8, 2022

# Day 14: Hexagons

Every H3 level-10 hexagon (1.5 hectares each) in Oxford that I've walked or cycled through. Not quite complete, probably. More here: rdrn.me/hexes

Goal is to fill in the gaps (legally, if possible) and build a single super-gon.#30DayMapChallenge Day 14: Hexagons pic.twitter.com/MfRQpSC77n

— Chris Arderne (@chrisarderne) November 14, 2022