I was late to Wordle, but decided (like many, I’m sure) to find the ideal words to start with.
I started with a list of English words, filtered it down to only five-letter words, and counted the number of occurrences of each letter:
e: 1681 c: 655 k: 298
a: 1557 u: 613 f: 274
r: 1127 y: 588 w: 230
o: 1056 h: 541 v: 193
l: 1005 d: 516 z: 72
s: 960 m: 467 x: 67
t: 952 p: 466 j: 58
i: 946 b: 423 q: 38
n: 870 g: 410
Ideally we want to start with a word that uses as many of the most common letters as possible (I think??).
So we loop through all the five-letter words, and award points according to the list above to each letter in each word, ignoring duplicates. So, e.g. quiet
gets 38 points from ‘q’, plus 613 from ‘u’ and so on.
This gives the following top-scoring words:
arose: 6381 later: 6322
orate: 6373 alert: 6322
erato: 6373 alter: 6322
lares: 6330 stare: 6277
means “to speak in an elevated and often pompous manner”.
and lares
are Greek gods, and probably not valid.
, alert
and alter
all use the same letters.
So we have arose
, orate
, later
, and stare
as good starter words.
(The lowest-scoring words, if you want to play on hard mode, are kudzu
and fuzzy
Then we can go a step further, and find the best word to use second, to get as much coverage as possible. So we do the same thing as above, but don’t award any points to letters that are already in our first word.
I calculated the 10 best first words, and for each one the 10 best second words to use.
arose: clint until glint flint tunic multi tulip unity built guilt
orate: linus sling slink slimy sibyl sybil shiny indus cling pliny
alert: sonic scion noisy simon minos bison pious sound monic synod
aster: login lingo logic monic folic limbo mobil cling ilona pliny
irate: locus lousy scold sound synod bonus scowl solon salon olson
learn: stoic moist posit scout foist south shout optic topic spout
snare: pilot clout cloth pluto optic topic logic multi tulip eliot
stale: irony rhino minor robin groin curio choir doric crony corny
aisle: north thorn court torch crony corny front tudor huron round
alien: torus story short storm strom sport strop scour court stork
So a good strategy might be to use arose
in the first row, and until
(ignoring clint
, as it’s probably a name) in the second.
That’s what I did this morning, to mediocre success.
And if you really, really don’t trust your instincts, I also calculated the best third word to use! Spit these out and inshallah you’ll have all the info you need to get it on word four!
The second words are to the right of the colon, and the third words are underneath their respective second words.
arose → clint until glint flint
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
dumpy psych chump chump
bumpy champ dumpy dumpy
mushy chump bumpy bumpy
orate → linus sling slink slimy
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
psych chump chump punch
champ dumpy dumpy bunch
chump bumpy bumpy chunk
later → scion sonic noisy minos
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
dumpy dumpy chump dutch
bumpy bumpy dutch coypu
mushy mushy mulch cubby
stare → lingo login logic monic
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
chump chump bundy glyph
dumpy dumpy nymph bulky
bumpy bumpy punky dully
So you might use orate
in the first row, slink
in the second, and bumpy
in the third!
Here’s the code:
import sys
from typing import Optional
from collections import defaultdict
from english_words import english_words_lower_alpha_set
def count_letters(words: list) -> dict[str, int]:
letters = defaultdict(int)
for wo in words:
for ch in wo:
letters[ch] += 1
return dict(sorted(letters.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
def calc_word_scores(
words: list, letters: dict, options: int = 3, exclude: Optional[str] = None
) -> list:
scores = defaultdict(int)
for word in words:
for ch in set(word):
if not exclude or ch not in exclude:
scores[word] += letters[ch]
scores = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return [word[0] for word in scores][:options]
def main(letters=5, options=4):
words = [w for w in english_words_lower_alpha_set if len(w) == letters]
letters = count_letters(words)
best_letters = [let[0] for let in letters.items()]
print(f"Ordered letter frequency:\n{' '.join(best_letters)}\n")
print("First word, then → second words, then ↓ third words")
word_scores_1 = calc_word_scores(words, letters, options)
for word1 in word_scores_1:
word_scores_2 = calc_word_scores(words, letters, options, word1)
word_scores_3 = zip(*[
calc_word_scores(words, letters, options, word1 + word2)
for word2 in word_scores_2
print(f"{word1} → {' '.join(word_scores_2)}")
print(f"{'':>9}{' '.join([' ↓ ' for _ in range(options)])}")
for row in word_scores_3:
print(f"{'':>9}{' '.join(row)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
letters, options = int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2])
main(letters, options)